Tig Asks..."Your Second Life Name: How Did You Choose It?"

Tig  ~  tigress.babii

Some of us were dancing at DJ Syn's set at the Ku'Lani Party Dock one sunny day, and chatted about the meaning of our names and how we chose them. I was curious to know more of your name origins. So I flitted about, as I am wont to do, and set out to find out. Thank you as always, to all of you who took the time to talk to me!  Here's what you said:

DJ Syn: “Mine came about in 2020 when I joined a game called 3DXChat. Syn X was my name and I spelled it xSynXx. I knew when I joined 3DX I would be doing some sinning!”

DJ Syn

Maverick: “Maverick is the main character in my favourite movie, Top Gun.”

Uzumaki Niquion Fang: “Niquion is the real first name, it comes from the first ever MMO I played: WoW, World of Warcraft. It was the first random name generated that I liked after around 100 or so tries, that was around 14 years ago I want to say, and its been one of my main online names. Uzumaki is from one of my favourite animes Aka Naruto. That's the main MCs name.”

Ryry Pangolin: “My husband and I were 3 days of back and forth with our boys and he randomly said Pangolin, and they are cute but protected, so we figured it was great since we protect our cute boys. (Liam and I have a habit of helping people and making sure they have a great experience in SL and sometimes they stay with us and we take on daddy roles for them.)”

Ryry Pangolin

xxXSparklesXxx: “I like shiny things! And sex, so XXX.”

Stoney Mcniell: “I was a mason for 25 years doing a lot of stone work, and Mcniell is a Scotch Irish name, which shows my roots.”

Queen Blackrain: “The name Queen started out as a title of a now defunct group I was in but since everyone kept calling me Queen the name just stuck, and I've been Queen ever since. (Darkside Divas were a group of women who liked to have fun and take care of one another.)”

Queen Blackrain

Harley Demonpaws Night: “My name started out as Harley Quinny...I LOVE Harley Quinn (the girlfriend of the Joker from DC Batman.) However, about two years ago, Linden Labs came out with a list of last names, and Demonpaws was one of them. I loved it so much and it fit my personality more, so I changed it. Demonpaws has this dark yet cute aspect to it. Obviously the dark is "Demon" and the cute is "paws." I tend to have a personality and humor that shows both. I can be cute as a button, but then flip if need be. Night was added on as I joined my Momma's family, the Night family.”

muse: “I liked the band Muse, and I played a lot of historical games at time, and Muse often means inspiration so I felt inspired to take that name!”


Six Starsong: “My name comes from my birthday, I couldn't come up with a name to call myself so I chose a nerdy name. In binary 4 bit I believe my birth date being 0110 translates to the number 6. Starsong is a mix on my daughter's name Starcaller, and Heartsong which was my husband's original name, and also my children are Starcaller.”

Six Starsong

What's your name story? Come chat about that and anything under the sun at Ku'Lani, we love chatting with friends old and new!

Photographs by Sparkles, Snow and Tig.  Written by Tig


Psst: Did something funny, embarrassing or outrageous happen to you at Ku'Lani? I'm still looking for your short stories to add to an upcoming blog post! Don't be shy, IM me in Second Life, I'm in search as Tigress Babii, or give me a wave at Ku'Lani Beach http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Magic/141/125/22

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