Shape-shifting in SL: Carlton's Avatar Experiment

Tig  ~  tigress.babii

I spoke with Ku'Lani Beach's DJ Carlton, who happened appear as a black cat while he was interviewed, about his experiment with using different types of avatars, and what he learned about how others reacted to him in his various forms. Read on to learn what he shares about his experiment.



Tig: What inspired you to experiment with different avatars in Second Life?

Carlton: I've always experimented with other forms in SL. From way back 20 years ago when I was going around as a tiny rabbit. More recently, a close friend and I chatted about avatar experimentation. He was going around as a tiny baby Grute and said that it was an interesting perspective. So I decided to try some newer alternate forms.

I've been a unisex rabbit, male werewolf, black cat, dinky black cat, giant polar bear, giant human, and mega-giant human. I'm sure there were others in the distant past that I can't remember now.

Tig: Which avatar do you feel most at home in of all of your avatars, or is it more of a case of wearing an avatar that speaks to you at that particular moment?

Carlton: Yes it's a particular moment thing, and it's not even influenced by the environment either. I do feel an affinity with the bear and the cats though.



 Tig: Do you DJ as human or do you use your various avatars?

Carlton: I've worked as a DJ in all of the forms.

Tig: How did using different avatars affect your own behaviour or communication style?

Carlton: For me it did not, but I've seen others role play their avatar. I just like to be me no matter what form I'm in.

Tig: How did this experiment change your social interactions?

Carlton: The non-human avatars invoked conversations with people that I'd never spoken to before, at clubs that I regularly attend. So I guess being an animal made it easier for other non-humans to communicate with me.

As a giant I get two reactions, some people are attracted by the size sexually (I did not expect that for some reason), and others are threatened by the giant size.



As a dinkie black cat I found being at places seemed to give courage to others that had dinkies and then changed and danced with me. Nearly every one of those have said, "I love my dinkie, but I never wear it."

As a dinkie and a cat, I have had no one contact me that were sexually interested (which was a good thing.) This was not the case with all of the other avatars.

Tig: Ah, so when you just wanted to breathe, you could switch to dinkie or cat, and chill?

Carlton: Yup, and that was one of the reasons I got the dinkie and cat in the first place.

(at this point, Carlton shape-shifts)

Tig: Aw! This is your dinkie?

Carlton : Yup! I deliberately had to add a pipe and wear older person clothes as Dinkies tend to be childish and I was worried I might get kicked out of sims.



There are so many people out there that have dinkies but seem to be afraid of using them. All it takes is one person to show up as one, and before long there will be a whole lot of people changing into dinkies all around you. It shocked me how many there are. They've been around for years and I only just saw my first when I bought mine not that long ago. After I wore the dinkie, I found out there are heaps of them around.

Tig: Did you experience any unexpected biases or prejudices based on your avatar's appearance?

Carlton: I did get told by a sim owner to change back to normal size when I was the mega-giant. I'm not sure that's a prejudice, rather just keeping the aesthetic of his sim. I have had people who are afraid of the giants and tell me about their intimidation, so I will actively move away, and usually change to a smaller avatar.



I haven't been discriminated against by anyone whilst being a smaller avatar, although as the cat I've been to a few events where people ignore what I have to say. Not sure what that's about.

Tig: How did your friends react to all of your shape-shifting between various avatars?

Carlton: The true friends didn't care what I looked like. There are others who don't talk to me while I am in non-human avatars. There are some that talk to me more! So it's all over the map in that regard. All of my boyfriends were not phased at all. I have 3, and I obviously picked the right guys.

Tig: Can you describe any particularly memorable interactions you had while using different avatars?

Carlton : I've had a few conversations with Lani. She's such a beautiful person and loves my black kitty. That makes me warm inside.



Tig: Did any of your avatars evoke any strong emotions from you?

Carlton Poole: Well being told I can't be the mega-giant by the sim owner, after the Host insisted I change to that wasn't nice. But with all avatars, except at that one sim, the owners and their staff have been very encouraging.

Tig: What's next for you in your avatar experimentation?

Carlton: I will certainly be exploring other avatars in the future. I might do a very tiny tiny next, like a pixie or fly. I'm also thinking I might start creating some alternative avatars.

Tig: You have skills in that area?

Carlton: Yes, after 20 years in Second Life, I have skills in nearly every area! :)

Tig: Will you sell your new avatar creations or will they be one-of-a-kinds?

Carlton: It depends if people like them or not.



Tig: Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Carlton: Avatar changing confirmed for me that people are people, and all are different, and have different likes, and sometimes you just don't know what triggers people for good or bad.

I have always found it amazing that in SL nearly everyone is a human when you can literally be anything you want. I'd like to encourage people to experiment with avatars. You can be anything you want.

Tig: Thank you so much for sharing your avatar experiences with us, Carlton!



Written by Tig, photos by Snow


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  1. Absolutely love it, Tig. Carlton is a super great human being!! So happy you wrote a story about him and his experiment!

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